Tuesday, May 5, 2009

~Jess, Blog Two~

So like…WholeWater is all like ‘hey, our water is more nutritious (more vitamins?) and stuff than a banana, so don’t bother with food, drink our water!’
(Info found in their website: "Bridge the hunger gap with Whole. Whole is a delicious low calorie snack alternative - and there's nothing else quite like it."
Whole water advertises their water as being a better health alternative to eating actual food, containing more protein and fibre than a banana, with only 1/4 of the calories found a in a banana! Sounds pretty good...except for the fact that the product in question is nothing more than bottled water...something meant to hydrate us, not replace the eating of actual food.

From an early age we’re taught to aspire to extreme thinness, and scorn any who don’t quite achieve this standard, and this new water brand seems to have dismissed the need for food altogether.

On the other hand it seems men can be as large as they like, and they are referred to as merely ‘jolly’, while if a woman tried this she’d be taunted and judged as ‘a hog’.

In every magazine we pick up these days, we’re bombarded with images of unhealthily thin girls whom are held up as the perfect weight. These girls are beautiful and seem to be having the best time in the world, but the reality is quite different.
Looking gorgeous in a magazine is easy, as many of the photos and pictures are usually altered or airbrushed in someway, and this is something that can't be done each morning as you're putting on your lipstick.

An article on the NZ herald website refers to Whole Water as a "gimmick", a word used by health expects interviewed by the newspaper.
A nutritionist from Mission Nutrition (Claire Turnbull) points to Whole Water's claim of "three times the protein of a banana" as an implication that regular food is no longer required, as long as you have a handy bottle of Whole Water nearby, you can get through anything! :D
Hmmm, hope people remember to grab themselves a sandwhich too!
Three meals a day people, AND WATER DOESN'T COUNT AS A MEAL!


  1. Hey Jess
    Totally agree with your view on water not being a great option to replace a meal. 'Whole Water' seems like a stupid idea for weight management for woman which will encorage irresponsible eating (or not at all eating) habits.

    I am to sick of having the image of the so called perfection (Woman that resesmble stick insects) shoved in my face all the time. Although being a healthy weight should be encoraged I doubt any loss of unwanted kilos could be achieved healthily by drinking water instead of eating!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi jess.

    Water in my mind can not become a replacement for food. And once again the media had made this "thin image" that is unatainable and unrealastic. and now they are promoting this?? yes being a healthy weight is important but surely it can't be obtained by drinking just water. How is the body just to survive on water.

    Jess a great essay that shows a great debate on water and meal replacement. however it's a but short and a few more quotes or information could have helped to prove your point further
